They always say that 'food is the way to a man's heart', but let's extend that notion a bit. Let's face it we are all in love with good food and the finer things in life! What better way to show your love than to share a delicious plate of food with someone? There is such a performative aspect of cooking that even if the food is not perfect we can appreciate and take so many positives from it.
The romantic dinner for two is such an event, where with just a little attention to the details it can really elevate a bite into a memory. When we cook with a bit of energy to get things right, it's like sending a signal and when it's a positive one, the recipient will be appreciative nine out of ten times.
The content or ingredients can be selected with care, and when you cook for a special person, it's really nice to prepare food that takes on board their preferences and likes. One final point for cooking with romance in mind is never to underestimate the importance of the ambience of the room. So, with that in mind go grab some fresh ingredients, turn the lights down low and choose one of our great Fooddiez recipes outlined here. Bon appetite!