Ah those halcyon, carefree days of student life! However, for many students it really is a question of learning to survive without mum or dad’s cooking. The idea, surely, is that this is a time for learning real life skills alongside flightier more meta-physical concerns!
For many students who would prefer to spend their student loans on beer and other combustibles then it really is a very wise idea to get on board and learn a few key dishes that will save a fortune in the present economic situation.
Let’s just say that a decade ago students behaved like there was ‘no tomorrow’ but given a few basic steps in cooking and home economics it can still be the best time of your life.
It was always pretty amusing to see quite how badly some people dealt with the idea of cooking for the first time. However, with the right know-how and a few classic and simple recipes student life can be both fun and healthy.
Yes, students were once known for living on baked beans and toast, but time moves on and so does the expectations of a new age.