Cook the Book: Middle Eastern Lamb Pizza
Cook the Book: Middle Eastern Lamb Pizza might be just the middl eastern recipe you are searching for. One serving contains 383 calories, 12g of protein, and 23g of fat. For $1.01 per serving, you get a main course that serves 8. A mixture of sugar, roughly warm milk, yeast, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so scrumptious. To use up the milk you could follow this main course with the Milky Way Brownie Bites as a dessert. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 45 minutes.
To cook the filling, melt the chopped onion in olive oil. add the meat and let it brown gently; put in the peeled and crushed garlic cloves, salt, a level teaspoon each of cinnamon and ground cumin, a half teaspoon of ground cloves, and the same of freshly ground black pepper and sumac.
Add the tomatoes, cover the pan and simmer gently until the juice has evaporated and the whole mixture is fairly thick. Taste it for seasoning. It should be really well spiced, so it may need more pepper and perhaps extra cumin. A teaspoon or two of sugar may be needed, and a little dried mint can also be added.
Having mixed the dough ingredients together and left it to rise until very light and puffy, oil a large 12-inch platter and spread the dough on it, taking it right up to the edges. Leave it, covered, for 15 minutes, until it has returned to life.
Spread the warm filling over it. There should not be too thick a layer. Again, leave the prepared pizza for 10 to 15 minutes before putting it into the oven at 450°F for 15 minutes. in either case it is a good idea to cover the pizza with a piece of oiled parchment paper at half time, as the filling should not dry out.