Strawberry Dream Pie Ice Cream
One serving contains 436 calories, 9g of protein, and 26g of fat. This recipe serves 8. This recipe covers 9% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. It can be enjoyed any time, but it is especially good for Mother's Day. Head to the store and pick up plus two tablespoons sugar, butter, graham crackers, and a few other things to make it today. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 2 hours.
For graham cracker crumble: Preheat oven to 350°F, with a rack in the middle. In a food processor, combine graham crackers, butter, sugar, and salt. Pulse until graham crackers are ground fine but mixture has not formed a paste. Dump mixture onto an aluminum baking sheet and press into a disc 1/4 inch thick.
Bake for 15 minutes, until the edges are dark and crisp. Cool completely before crumbling into large chunks. Store crumble in an airtight container.
For ice cream: In a blender, combine goat cheese, half and half, 1/2 cup sugar, and salt. Blend until smooth, then transfer to an airtight container to chill overnight.
The next day, churn ice cream according to manufacturer's instructions. While ice cream is churning, combine strawberries, two tablespoons sugar, maraschino, and pomegranate molasses in a bowl.
Let macerate for one hour at room temperature. When ice cream is finished churning, return to airtight container and place in freezer to chill for half an hour.
After an hour in bowl, strain strawberries from remaining liquid, reserving for another use. With a very large spoon or spatula, quickly stir strawberries into ice cream. Berries can break into small chunks, but ice cream should not be uniformly pink. Return to freezer for 1/2 to 1 hour.
Serve with graham cracker crumble sprinkled on top.