Chilled Red Bell Pepper Shooters
Chilled Red Bell Pepper Shooters might be just the beverage you are searching for. One portion of this dish contains roughly 2g of protein, 7g of fat, and a total of 108 calories. This recipe serves 6. This recipe covers 10% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free, dairy free, and vegetarian diet. Head to the store and pick up chicken broth, corn tortillas, bell peppers, and a few other things to make it today. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
In a saucepan, heat the olive oil.
Add the peppers, garlic, onion and a pinch of salt. Cover and cook over moderately low heat until the peppers are softened, 8 minutes. Stir in the tomato paste, water and broth and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer over low heat until the peppers are very tender, about 10 minutes.
Transfer the soup to a blender and puree. Season with salt and pepper and refrigerate for about 1 hour, until lightly chilled.
Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat inch of vegetable oil until shimmering.
Add the tortilla strips and fry over moderately high heat until crisp.
Drain and dust with the cheese.
Serve with the chilled soup in shot glasses.