Beef Tenderloin Steaks Topped with Horseradish and Dijon Mustard
Beef Tenderloin Steaks Topped with Horseradish and Dijon Mustard might be a good recipe to expand your main course recipe box. One serving contains 344 calories, 51g of protein, and 14g of fat. This recipe serves 2. It will be a hit at your valentin day event. This recipe from Allrecipes requires tarragon leaves, pepper, dijon mustard, and basil. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 8 hours and 40 minutes. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free, dairy free, paleolithic, and primal diet. Beef Tenderloin Steaks with Seared Mushrooms and Red Wine Vinaigrette, Turkey BLT with Creamy Dijon Mustard, and Steak And Pepper Rounds With Rose Horseradish Garlic Creme Sauce are very similar to this recipe.
Stir together Dijon, horseradish, basil, thyme, tarragon, and pepper.
Spread mixture evenly over top and sides of the steaks. Wrap individually with plastic wrap, and allow to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Spray a small, glass baking dish with cooking spray.
Unwrap steaks and sprinkle with salt to taste.
Place into baking dish, and roast in preheated oven to desired degree of doneness (30 minutes for medium-rare, 60 minutes for well done).