Red Pepper Soup
Red Pepper Soup might be just the soup you are searching for. One portion of this dish contains approximately 2g of protein, 2g of fat, and a total of 84 calories. This recipe serves 12. This recipe covers 13% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. Autumn will be even more special with this recipe. Head to the store and pick up carrots, cartons chicken broth, rice, and a few other things to make it today. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free and dairy free diet. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 45 minutes.
In a large Dutch oven, saut red peppers, carrots, onions, celery and garlic in olive oil until tender. Stir in broth, rice, thyme, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes, or until vegetables and rice are tender. Cool for 30 minutes.
Puree in small batches in a food processor or blender, return to pan and add red pepper flakes.