Quick BBQ Chicken Pizzas
The recipe Quick BBQ Chicken Pizzas could satisfy your American craving in about 45 minutes. This recipe serves 4. This recipe covers 22% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. One serving contains 3376 calories, 122g of protein, and 58g of fat. A mixture of barbecue sauce, lower-sodium marinara sauce, onion, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so flavorful.
Heat a saucepan over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray.
Add onion; saut 2 minutes or until translucent. Stir in chicken, stock, marinara, and barbecue sauce; cook 3 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
Spread about 1/2 cup chicken mixture over each crust; top evenly with mozzarella cheese.
Place pizzas directly on oven rack; bake at 450 for 9 minutes or until cheese melts. Top with green onions and pepper.
Cut each pizza into 4 wedges.