Healthy Popcorn Treat
Healthy Popcorn Treat is a dessert that serves 6. Watching your figure? This gluten free, dairy free, and lacto ovo vegetarian recipe has 157 calories, 2g of protein, and 8g of fat per serving. This recipe covers 3% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. 42 people found this recipe to be flavorful and satisfying. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 20 minutes. This recipe is typical of American cuisine. Head to the store and pick up coconut oil, ground cinnamon, popcorn kernels, and a few other things to make it today. If you like this recipe, you might also like recipes such as St. Patricks Day Crispy Treat, Chocolate Popcorn, and Freaky Hot Wing Popcorn.
Heat coconut oil in a large pot over high heat. Drop 3 popcorn kernels into the hot oil and place a lid on the pot; cook until 1 kernel has popped.
Remove the lid and pour in the remaining popcorn. Return the lid to the pot and cook popcorn, shaking pot back and forth over burner, until there are 1 to 2 seconds between pops, about 5 minutes.
Quickly transfer popcorn to a large bowl; evenly drizzle honey over popcorn.
Add salt and cinnamon; toss popcorn with your hands to coat evenly.