David's Mesquite Smoked Texas Brisket
David's Mesquite Smoked Texas Brisket might be just the Jewish recipe you are searching for. One portion of this dish contains about 48g of protein, 17g of fat, and a total of 366 calories. This gluten free, dairy free, and whole 30 recipe serves 16. It works best as a main course, and is done in about 4 hours and 40 minutes. Hanukkah will be even more special with this recipe. Head to the store and pick up beef brisket, garlic, seasoning, and a few other things to make it today. If you like this recipe, take a look at these similar recipes: Smoked, Spice Rubbed, Texas-Style Brisket on Texas Toast, Smoked Beef Brisket: Texas BBQ Classic, and Smoked Beef Brisket: Texas BBQ Classic.
Make deep cuts into the brisket with a paring knife.
Place cloves all the way into the cuts. Liberally sprinkle brisket with Greek seasoning.
Place mesquite wood over gray/hot charcoals.
Put brisket fat side down on the grill. Smoke for 2 hours and do not turn the meat.
Take the meat out and wrap tightly 2 times in extra heavy aluminum foil. Put in the oven for 2 hours on a cookie sheet at 250 degrees F.
Remove from oven and let sit (still wrapped in foil) 30 minutes to 1 hour before serving to let the meat "firm up" and the juice to be absorbed.
Recommended wine: Shiraz, Tempranillo, Zinfandel
Shiraz, Tempranillo, and Zinfandel are my top picks for Brisket. All these red wines can handle the meaty, smokey flavor of brisket. If you're talking traditional Jewish brisket, you'll want to look for a kosher red wine. You could try Happy Face Syrah Wine. Reviewers quite like it with a 5 out of 5 star rating and a price of about 13 dollars per bottle.
![Happy Face Syrah Wine]()
Happy Face Syrah Wine
The big hitter of the Rhone world, On the nose an old world earthy-herbaceous aroma. Bright Boysenberry, blackberry fruit up front followed by a wonderful plum, apricot finish! Pepper, clove and a hint of rosemary are contributing factors in this wines complexity complemented with its medium body and beautiful deep color. Pairs great with a wide array of BBQ! Tri-tip, red meats and my favorite a blue cheese burger.