Ajo Blanco
Ajo Blanco is a gluten free, primal, and vegetarian side dish. This recipe serves 8. One portion of this dish contains about 4g of protein, 29g of fat, and a total of 313 calories. This recipe covers 8% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. Head to the store and pick up almonds, milk, olive oil, and a few other things to make it today. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 45 minutes.
Combine apple, garlic, bread, grapes,blanched almonds, milk, and 2 cups water ina medium bowl; season with salt. Coverand chill for at least 6 hours and up to 1 day.
Transfer soup base to a blender andpurée, adding water by tablespoonfuls iftoo thick, until smooth. With motor running,gradually add 3/4 cup oil and 3 tablespoons vinegarand blend until soup is emulsified. Seasonwith salt, pepper, and more vinegar, ifdesired. Strain soup through a fine-meshsieve into a large bowl; cover and chill untilvery cold, about 2 hours. DO AHEAD: Soupcan be made 1 day ahead. Keep chilled.
Spread slicedalmonds on a rimmed baking sheet andtoast, tossing occasionally, until golden,about 4 minutes.
Divide soup among bowls; top withtoasted almonds; drizzle with oil and vinegar.