Yellow Pepper Pesto Terrine
Yellow Pepper Pesto Terrine might be just the condiment you are searching for. One serving contains 127 calories, 4g of protein, and 9g of fat. This recipe serves 24. This recipe covers 4% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. If you have bell peppers, breadcrumbs, blocks cream cheese, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. 1 person found this recipe to be delicious and satisfying. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 45 minutes.
To prepare pesto, cut bell peppers in half lengthwise; discard seeds and membranes.
Place pepper halves, skin sides up, on a foil-lined baking sheet; flatten with hand. Broil 10 minutes or until blackened.
Place in a zip-top plastic bag; seal.
Let stand 15 minutes. Peel and discard skin.
Combine peppers and next 7 ingredients (through garlic) in a blender or food processor; process until smooth.
To prepare cheese filling, combine cheeses, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and red pepper in a medium bowl; stir well.
Line an 8 x 4-inch loaf pan with plastic wrap, allowing plastic wrap to extend over edges of pan.
Spread about 1 cup of cheese mixture in bottom of pan.
Spread 1/2 cup pesto over cheese mixture. Repeat procedure with remaining cheese filling and pesto, ending with cheese filling. Cover and refrigerate 6 hours or overnight.
To serve, invert terrine onto a platter; remove plastic wrap.
Garnish with additional basil leaves, if desired.