Spiced Tea
Spiced Tea could be just the gluten free, dairy free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and vegan recipe you've been looking for. This recipe covers 3% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe serves 14. One serving contains 119 calories, 1g of protein, and 0g of fat. It works well as a beverage. Head to the store and pick up water, to 4 cinnamon sticks, sugar, and a few other things to make it today. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 25 minutes. If you like this recipe, take a look at these similar recipes: Ingredient Spotlight: Tea (and Spiced Chai Tea Muffin ), Spiced Tea, and Orange Spiced Tea.
In a large kettle or Dutch oven, bring water to a simmer; turn off heat.
Add tea bags, cover and steep for 3-5 minutes.
In a bowl, dissolve sugar in boiling water.
Add cinnamon sticks and cloves; cover and steep for 15 minutes.
Add concentrates and pineapple juice; mix well. Strain and discard spices. Stir into tea; heat through.
Serve with cinnamon sticks for stirrers if desired.