Roasted Red Pepper Soup With Pesto Croutons
Roasted Red Pepper Soup With Pesto Croutons might be just the main course you are searching for. This recipe serves 6. One serving contains 320 calories, 12g of protein, and 12g of fat. It is a good option if you're following a vegetarian diet. It will be a hit at your Autumn event. A mixture of roasted bell peppers, chicken broth, parsley, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so delicious.
Spread pesto on 1 side of each bread slice.
Cut each bread slice into 1/2- to 1-inch cubes.
Place bread cubes in a single layer on a lightly greased aluminum foil-lined jelly-roll pan.
Bake at 350 for 16 to 20 minutes or until golden, turning once after 10 minutes.
Remove from oven, and let cool.
Melt butter with oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat.
Add garlic and shallot, and cook, stirring constantly, 2 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
Add tomato paste, and cook, stirring constantly, 1 minute. Stir in bell peppers and chicken broth; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium, and simmer, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes.
Remove from heat; let cool 10 minutes.
Process red pepper mixture, in batches, in a blender or food processor 8 to 10 seconds until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides. Return red pepper mixture to Dutch oven; stir in half-and-half and parsley, and cook over medium heat 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Ladle soup into 6 bowls; top with croutons.