Grilled Corn with Ancho Chile and Lime Butter
The recipe Grilled Corn with Ancho Chile and Lime Butter can be made in around 22 minutes. One serving contains 194 calories, 4g of protein, and 13g of fat. For $1.12 per serving, you get a side dish that serves 8. A mixture of season-all® seasoned salt, ears corn, ground cumin, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so flavorful. The Fourth Of July will be even more special with this recipe. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free and lacto ovo vegetarian diet.
Remove husks and silk strands from corn-on-the-cob.
Combine butter with lime juice and seasonings.
Spread half of butter mixture lightly over corn. Set remaining half of flavored butter aside.
Place corn on preheated grill over medium heat and cook 6-7 minutes, turning often enough to cook on all sides without burning.
Serve corn hot with remaining soft chile butter.