The recipe Fajitas is ready in around 45 minutes and is definitely an amazing gluten free and dairy free option for lovers of Mexican food. This main course has 257 calories, 33g of protein, and 11g of fat per serving. This recipe serves 6. 4 people found this recipe to be tasty and satisfying. A mixture of cilantro, unrefined, onions, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so yummy. To use up the sea-salt you could follow this main course with the Raspberry Sea Salt Brownies as a dessert.
Recommended wine: Pinot Noir, Riesling, Sparkling Rose
Pinot Noir, Riesling, and Sparkling rosé are great choices for Mexican. Acidic white wines like riesling or low-tannin reds like pinot noir can work well with Mexican dishes. Sparkling rosé is a safe pairing too. You could try Williams Selyem Westside Road Neighbors Pinot Noir. Reviewers quite like it with a 4.7 out of 5 star rating and a price of about 140 dollars per bottle.