Chicken and Goat Cheese Pizza With Fresh Herbs
The recipe Chicken and Goat Cheese Pizza With Fresh Herbs could satisfy your Mediterranean craving in around 27 minutes. This recipe covers 7% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. One portion of this dish contains about 19g of protein, 16g of fat, and a total of 454 calories. This recipe serves 4. It works well as a main course. Head to the store and pick up pizza dough, portobello mushrooms, kosher salt, and a few other things to make it today. To use up the pizza dough you could follow this main course with the Grilled Dessert Pizza as a dessert.
Lightly coat a round perforated pan with vegetable cooking spray, or put a pizza stone in the oven while it preheats.
Place pizza dough on a lightly floured surface, and roll it into a 12-inch circle.
Place dough on prepared pizza pan or stone, and bake for 5 minutes.
While the crust is baking, coat a small nonstick skillet with vegetable cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat.
Add the mushrooms and salt, and cook, stirring occasionally, 45 minutes or until softened and lightly browned; set aside.
Spread the pesto over warm crust, leaving a 1/2-inch edge.
Sprinkle pepper evenly over crust, and top with chicken, corn, mushrooms, and goat cheese.
Bake 1215 minutes or until crust is cooked through and cheese is golden brown.
Remove from oven, and sprinkle with basil.
Cut into 8 wedges; serve hot.